Monday, January 2, 2012

Good Bye 2011, Welcome 2012!!!

One compulsory thing that can't separate from every New Year is it's resolution. Have you reached or completed last year resolution? What is/are your new or same-brand-old new resolution/s?

Let see what my 2011 resolution..........

Actually and frankly, I only have ONE hehehe That was also a friend suggestion :P Wanna know what? To eat faster LOL.... Kinda funny and sound 'abnormal' but yerp to be true, I'm a slow eater. I already half way finishing my plate, someone come with full plate still can 'chase' me huhuhu But don't get me wrong....I ENJOY EATING A LOT, even few friend call me dustbin :(

Till end of 2011, I can assumed that I successfully reached 70-80% of my resolution (as reported by my close friend hehehe) My eating speed increase to 50% ^_^ In the process had sort out what make me a slow eater but not gonna reveal it here. That gonna be my new 2012 resolution: To overcome the cause that slowing my eating speed :P (Ini macam punya azam pun boleh ka???? sya punya azam,suka hati la hohoho)

Who never have passion for food???

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