Looking at my cats and I just notice they was licking each other...I suddenly feel touched. By the moment I realize I shall capture the moment I was too late. I snapped the picture anyway as they still 'conquer' my mattress. There they are still licking and laying on the moment as I writing this entry. Hmmm...don't know but I just got into emotion.
Sure lots of us are lucky to have sibling. Me myself have been blessed with a brother and a sister. I'm the second out of three (third out of five literally). We have a huge age gap between us and really contrast in almost everything hehehe...But thats what make our relation sooo colourful, sooo unique , sooo lively and yet still complementing each other life ^_^ Bet others sibling are similar like mine, right?
My dear brother and sister;
I miss the time when three of us punched each other just to control the tv remote...
I miss the time when three of us played our bike together...
I miss the time when three of us scrambled to get the couch in front of the tv....
I miss the time when three of us shared our meals even most of the time we were not...
I miss the time when three of us scolded by our parent as we fight a lot...
I miss the time when three of us baked cookies and cake for raya...
I miss the time when three of us argued about almost everything...
I miss the time when three of us still stand and back up each other when others make fun on any of us...
But as we grow up and step to the 'real' world, things became slightly different (or maybe a lot huhuhu). We engage with life commitent such like schooling, working, friendship, social activities, love relation, marriage, children and the list keep on unstopable. All this start put distant with the people that we use to live under same roof...Oucch, am I sound pathetic???hehehe...watever la :P
If cats really appreciate their sibling, as creature with brain we shall do more. So cheerish and appreciate our sibling...
Dearest Ag. Kamarul Ariffeen and Dg. Norhalizah...you are the BEST siblings for me and I never want to trade you both with other brother or sister. XOXOXO :)
syukur la kita msih punya adik beradik wlaupun berjauhan..... ehehe
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