As Malaysian we do really familiar with PTPTN (as my schooling time my friend n I used to call it PTPTipu hehehe) provide loan for education purpose especially for those who want to further their study in higher level locally. So those who want to continue abroad please apply others to sponsor and most famous is "PAMA" coz no need to payback ^_^ Have others function, PTPTN now have saving scheme and manage deposit for youngster in purpose for their education later. Refer PTPTN ads on tv yeee...
Speaking of loan, sure when someone lend something they want it back unless the owner always do charity la hehehe. PTPTN is a non-charity organization so forget it. Repeated...NON-CHARITY organization k!
If listed as 'disobedient debtor', you not allowed to go out from Malaysia as PTPTN have linked the blacklisted names with Malaysia Imigresen Department. Only PTPTN have authority to release you. You can cry, you can scream, you can beg but Imigresen Officer only can watch you doing so and worse you not able to get on plane or ship or cross the border or bla bla bla...So to avoid this disaster, do contact PTPTN 7 days or more before the trip and nego with them what the best solution. I think PTPTN will ask to pay some portion of the loan before can proceed to 'bleach' your name from the blacklisted list. Hey, if you affort to go travelling sure you have money to pay your loan kan...kan...kan...
Anyway, my name is NOT in the list as I already check it hehehe. Not a frequent payer but better than not paying it at all (shhh...don't tell PTPTN aaaa). Check here if your name is black or white to travel oversea ^_^
my name embossed with rainbow color hik hik
hahaha...pandai jek puan wardah :)
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