Monday, February 14, 2011


This time wanna have BM entry ^_^
# Tak berani letak pic sebab macam banyak sangat yang ada copyright hehehe
Kenal sapa Marian Rivera? Kenal Dingdong Dantes? Bukan ‘dindang datang lagi tu’ tau... Kalau Dyesebel rasa-rasanya familiar tak? Ala, citer duyung yang degil nak jadi manusia mcm emak dia juga tu. Hah, Marian ngan Dingdong tu la heroin n hero dalam siri telenovela Filipina yang famos tu. Sekarang kat TV3, ada siri telenovela Filipina baru: MariMar. Sebenarnya ni la drama paling top dalam sejarah Filipina dan lagi awal menggandingkan kedua-dua pelakon sebelum Dyesebel.
MariMar versi Filipina ni sebenarnya ‘re-make’ dari cerite telenovela Mexico yang dilakonkan oleh Thalia (Sapa tak kenal Thalia a.k.a Mexican J.Lo memang kesian la sebab sure korang tak merasa fenomena ‘Rosalinda’ hehehe). Untuk MariMar Filipina ni, ada 155 episod plus 4 episod istimewa.
Citer panjang giler so sure berbelit-belit dan cam biasa pasti ada scene hilang ingatan, perebutan kuasa+harta, mati rupanya tak mati pun especially watak orang jahat, anak dia rupanya bukan anak dia dan paling penting love story.
Sinopsis lengkap:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Alahai Passport......A Personal Guideline to Apply Passport

Yesterday went to Immigration Department. Wanna renew my 'un-expired yet' passport because it adviseable to do so if you planning to travel less than 6 months. Actually it's ok to use such passport but Malaysia won't responsible if you get stuck in the country you travel to as they might have different regulation on period passport validity. For details more about Malaysia International Passport, click here.

Just to add the condition requirement there as most people don't know or forgot (well....5 years once kan renew passport hehehe), all document such like IC, birth certificate, parent's IC etc need to bring both original and copy. The copy no need to be validated. Prepare it early because you don't want to take number and wait for hours then when come your turn the application process stuck just because you have to run down to find photocopy center. LOL! And no duty stamp need ok hahaha

Get ready with the cash or postal order for passport fees. You thought this is GIANT meh to use your credit card or debit card or even Mykard to pay. No card apalagi mau hutang. The fees personally kinda funny for me because for same number of pages:
  • RM 100 for 2 years (can renew 3 times for 6 years if compare to 5 years but fees amount same)
  • RM 300 for 5 years
Probably can save your time to go to immigration department and photo shop hehehe. Anyway, there are advantages of 5 years validity especially for passport renewal. Beside less hassle to keep renew it if less than 6 month you have to travel out, the balance months before expiration of your previous passport can added to your 5 years validity in your new passport. for a 'local tourist' I'm not interest with these  ^_^

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Contract Employer: Dilemma and Demand a.k.a Pekerja Kontrak: Antara Dilema dan Tuntutan

Either working for government or private, nowaday the employer tend to take their employee as contract worker first for a period of time before they become temporary or permanent worker. Ok, it do have positive side like the employee have to show their best in work so that their contract will extend or else you are out from the company...

Me myself trap in this issue as I've been a contract staff in a state department for more than 3 years now. Worse, some of my collegues already 5-6 years or there are up to almost 10 years here but still stuck with the 'contract' title.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

PTPTN: Black or White or Other Colours....

Before I proceed, I just want to declare that I am not relate in anyway to PTPTN except I am one of their 'debtor' LOL...In couple of weeks I'm going somewhere out from Malaysia so make me a bit nervous either my name is 'writen' using black or other colour in PTPTN list huhuhu. Hokeyyy, no need to ask what the reason why I feel nervous seh...

As Malaysian we do really familiar with PTPTN (as my schooling time my friend n I used to call it PTPTipu hehehe) provide loan for education purpose especially for those who want to further their study in higher level locally. So those who want to continue abroad please apply others to sponsor and most famous is "PAMA" coz no need to payback ^_^ Have others function, PTPTN now have saving scheme and manage deposit for youngster in purpose for their education later. Refer PTPTN ads on tv yeee...

Speaking of loan, sure when someone lend something they want it back unless the owner always do charity la hehehe. PTPTN is a non-charity organization so forget it. Repeated...NON-CHARITY organization k!

If listed as 'disobedient debtor', you not allowed to go out from Malaysia as PTPTN have linked the blacklisted names with Malaysia Imigresen Department. Only PTPTN have authority to release you. You can cry, you can scream, you can beg but Imigresen Officer only can watch you doing so and worse you not able to get on plane or ship or cross the border or bla bla bla...So to avoid this disaster, do contact PTPTN 7 days or more before the trip and nego with them what the best solution. I think PTPTN will ask to pay some portion of the loan before can proceed to 'bleach' your name from the blacklisted list. Hey, if you affort to go travelling sure you have money to pay your loan kan...kan...kan...

Anyway, my name is NOT in the list as I already check it hehehe. Not a frequent payer but better than not paying it at all (shhh...don't tell PTPTN aaaa). Check here if your name is black or white to travel oversea ^_^

Thursday, February 3, 2011

DNSAS's Bead Project a.k.a Projek Manik DNSAS

This is my 1st bead project for a friend. Before this I just sew beads on my close relatives n my own clothes only. This lovely light purple baju kurung is owned by Kak Suraya. She have hard time to finish it, probably almost a year but not even half way hehehe (sorry kak!). Just gave her a favour as she have all the beads, I help her to finish the design. FOC gitu :P Finished it in few weeks because I just beading on nite time....Feel proud when she wear it to one of our department grand function :">